Cayman Rehab Services is currently offering Acupuncture from the Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Western Medical Acupuncture approach.
​Acupuncture, as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is over 3,000 years old, making it one of the oldest healthcare systems in the world. Our health and well-being is dependent on the body’s vital energy (known as Qi), moving in a smooth and balanced way. Using complex diagnostic techniques, Acupuncture treats the underlying root of disease by re-establishing the flow of Qi in the body where it has become blocked, and using techniques and advice (including dietary and lifestyle) to boost deficient Qi. Research can now also now show that Acupuncture boosts circulation, promotes the release of natural anti-inflammatories, endorphins, and the production of white blood cells, and can also literally block pain signals.
A licensed Acupuncturist has a minimum 4 years training, composing of Anatomy and Physiology and conventional medical modules, as well as TCM, which also includes in-depth study of several other tools of Chinese Medicine such as Cupping, GuaSha, Moxibustion and Nutritional Therapy.
As a stand alone medicine, Acupuncture as part of TCM can treat all areas of health and wellbeing, for example, pain, arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica, migraine and headaches, IBS and Digestive complaints, Skin conditions, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Menstrual complaints, Menopausal symptoms, Infertility and can be safely and helpfully used alongside western medicine and surgery.
Western medical acupuncture is a therapeutic modality involving the insertion of fine needles; it is an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and the principles of evidence based medicine.
The physiotherapist will determine the locations of these points on the basis of an assessment of the cause of the imbalance. A number of needles may be used during each treatment, and these are typically left in position for between 20 and 30 minutes before being removed.
Trigger point acupuncture may also be used to facilitate relaxation in specific muscles following traumas, for longer-term unresolved muscle pain, or as a means of increasing muscle length in order to aid stretch and rehabilitation. In the latter case, the needle is inserted into the affected muscle until the tissue is felt to relax under the needle, which is then removed. Trigger point needling often produces an effect much more quickly, and therefore, does not require the 20–30-minute treatment time.
Western medical acupuncture is principally used by conventional healthcare practitioners, most commonly in primary care. It is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal pain, including myofascial trigger point pain. It is also effective for postoperative pain and nausea.